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[Amps] help with corona discharge

Subject: [Amps] help with corona discharge
From: Steve Hanlon <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 18:38:33 -0500
List-post: <">>
i am seeing a corona discharge around both tubes in an amp - the blue 
glow is visible if you look down through the cooling fins - the tubes 
are 3cx800's.  any ideas on what would cause this?  the corona is 
visible at about 10w drive and increases in intensity to 50w.  it occurs 
on both tubes and the two replacement tubes. 

it looks exactly like a gas burner on the stove, a blue glowing "flame" 
dancing around at the base of the tubes.

the amp is a Commander HF-2500

-Steve, WM3O
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