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Re: [Amps] twin 4CX-10 000D amplifier: multiple tubes

Subject: Re: [Amps] twin 4CX-10 000D amplifier: multiple tubes
From: Jan Erik Holm <>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 17:26:53 +0200
List-post: <>
Indeed! This is very very true.
Needs to be VERY low inductive grounding.

73 Jim SM2EKM

PS: What one also can do is, replace the cheramic spacers
that sits betwen the grid rings with metal spacers,
works excelent.
The unit will measure over 30 dB reverse isolation 30 MHz and up,
will have a big problem trying to be a oscillator then.
However a single 8171 is quite enough.
R L Measures wrote:
> Indeed, Dick.  For an 8171, the problem is typically oscillation at  
> c. 70MHz, so multi-band or single-band makes no difference.  As I see  
> it, grounding the screen collet with 8, Cu straps is something to  
> avoid if one is trying to build a VHF oscillator using the 8171.

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