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[Amps] KQ2M ACOM 2000A Amp. S/N 990171 "Heater Current Too Low" problem

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] KQ2M ACOM 2000A Amp. S/N 990171 "Heater Current Too Low" problem
From: "Bob Shohet, KQ2M" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2018 13:36:20 -0500
List-post: <>

My ACOM2000a had been working perfectly since Feb 2017 after being repaired for 
a “Heater Current Too  Low” problem.   At THAT time it turned out to be the 
cheap plastic connector failure – which overheated and burned/discolored – (I 
had heard the telltale “Thunk” and smelled a slight burning smell.)   With the 
amp working perfectly for the previous few days, I turned it off before leaving 
for Thanksgiving dinner.

The next morning (the day of CQWWCW) I turned it back on and IMMEDIATELY, after 
~ 3 seconds - got the dreaded  “ Heater Current Too Low  0.00v ” message.  So 
the amp doesn’t work.  It’s like they KNOW when it is most advantageous for 
them to fail.

I tried all the usual strategies – inspecting the HV area and underneath the 
tubes, reseating the tubes, removing the transformer and checking all the fuses 
and plastic connectors for damage/failure and then reconnecting them.  I also 
swapped RCU’s with another working ACOM2000a and swapped outlets, just in case. 
  I then turned on the amp and FAILURE after the same 3 second “boot-up” 
period”.  Same error message “ Heater Current Too Low  0.00v ”   UGH!

Something apparently changed in the amp between the time that I shut it off on 
Thursday evening and when I turned it on again early Friday morning, but I have 
no idea what happened or what changed.

Does anyone know what the problem could be or what I should look at next?  I 
would really like to be able to diagnose and fix this myself if possible.

Tnx & 73

Bob  KQ2M
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