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[Amps] WinLink

Subject: [Amps] WinLink
From: "Will Matney" <>
Date: Sun, 06 Mar 2005 10:05:34 -0500
List-post: <>
I just ran across something (2-3 days back actually) about the ARRL almost 
secertely pushing through a new bandplan for Winlink, I think was the name. I 
have read some others opinions before I made this post. One wonders why I will 
not re-license and this shows why. I have seen the ARRL now, over and over, for 
years now, seem to do some pretty underhanded things. It seems to me it is 
always tied to a money flow some where. I know all to well what they did to 
Rich Measures on here, and it was over deep pockets controlling what the ARRL 
now does. I'm sorry, the ARRL is supposed to be for all the amateur radio folks 
but when money is involved somewhere, it seems that things gets hushed, law 
suits gets threatened, and stuff is done under the table. Folks wonder why the 
membership is dropping off and this pretty much nails it. Before we had the 
internet, where information flows sooo freely, keeping things hid away was 100% 
easier. I started on the net about the same time I said by
 -by to my license. These types of actions is the very reason they went. To 
straighten it out, there ought to be a major house cleaning of the ARRL, and 
the FCC. There's too many corporate and political fingers in there. The ARRL 
should only be staffed by non-political, non business tied hams IMHO. This very 
thing is the reason I dont see myself ever being re-licensed in the near 
future. I just had to say something as I'd had this bottled up now for a few 
days. Any comments are welcome.


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