>Has anyone had trouble cooling 4-1000 with the sk500 socket. Will I have a
>lot of noise with a 100 cfm blower, that some say I need to cool tube?
The trouble with an air-system socket and chimney is the air constriction
in the socket. This reduces air flow and dictates that a high-speed,
high noise-level blower be used. A superior cooling method is used in
the Heath SB-220. If I were building a 4-1000A/8166 amp, I would
semi-copy the cooling system in the SB-220. However, it would probably
be better to use a separate, miniature muffin-fan to transversely blow
air across the filament pins -- in addition to a large, slow-speed fan to
blow air transversely across the glass. This approach is easier that
trying to find one fan that is large enough to do both jobs for an 8166.
- R. L. Measures, a.k.a. Rich..., 805.386.3734,AG6K,