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[Amps] Fixed Padder Capacitors --- POSTSCRIPT

To: <>
Subject: [Amps] Fixed Padder Capacitors --- POSTSCRIPT
From: "Ed Swynar" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2006 06:52:03 -0500
List-post: <>
Good Day All,

Just a "" in the matter of fixed mica / ceramic padder capacitors 
in the final tank circutry of my 2x813 linear amplifier...

After I had removed & replaced my original series / parallel network of fixed 
padders in the plate tuning of the tank circuit (with a combination of a 
250-pfd. fixed vacuum capacitor & a fully-meshed 3.5 kv air variable placed in 
parallel), I went one step further & removed the large doorknob cap that I used 
to switch in parallel with the big 3-section air variable loading capacitor on 

The replacement in this instance was actually the air variable loading 
capacitors --- placed in parallel --- out of a pair of junked Heathkit SB-400 
transmitters that I have here. I had mis-givings about the "robustness" of 
these rascals (the plates are not that far apart, if you've ever seen one), but 
Bill Orr in one of his HANDBOOKS stated that a receiving-type air variable 
capacitor is perfectly OK to use as a loading cap in a final pi-tank coil, even 
if the amplifier in question was to be used in a (then) legal limit operation, 
AND plate modulated! 

Anyway, I'm happy to report that nothing has arced over thus far, and I have a 
QSO with VK3ZL (thanks, Rob!) in the log from this morning on 160-meters to 
prove it, Hi Hi.

Happy DX'ing & vy

~73!~ Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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