North American Sprint
To: <>
Contest Date: 02/04/1996
Mode: SSB
Station Callsign: AA7TF
Operator Callsign: AA7TF
State or Country: ID
Name: Scott Tuthill
band QSOs
20 17 trapped dipole @ 20'
40 52 dipole @ 20'
80 0 No dipole, no QSO's!
total: 69 QSOs X 24 mults = claimed score: 1,656
Time: About 2 1/2 hours
Rig: TS-440 barefoot.
Wow, was 20M dead. Even I pretty much worked everyone I heard on
the band in the first 20 minutes. Then I went to 40M and found
out where everyone had gone. What bedlam. But fun as usual. Need
to figure out how to get an antenna back up for 80M. Worked Danny,
K7SS/KH6 on 20 and 40. Not sure, but I don't think KH6 counts as
a mult -- so I didn't. Though it does for a QSO. Congrat's to K6LL
for a great score. Almost missed working him, one on my last QSO's.