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[3830] CQ-M K6GV and other stuff

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] CQ-M K6GV and other stuff
From: edwoods@pbsac01.isp.PacBell.COM (Woods, Eric D (edwoods))
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 14:54:00 -0700

1 q. with K6ZZ.  Don't know how many points.

Site was a park near Roseville, Ca.  We had our 25th Pioneer Radio Club 
anniversary picnic.  Thought I would bring a 940 and some wire.  Antenna was 
wire dipole up 5 feet.

BTW, the 1996 Telephone Pioneer QSO party results and announcement for the 
1997 version are available on W6TEE's page at URL:


The things ya gotta do in this world!!

Eric, K6GV

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