Contest Dates : 17-Aug-96, 18-Aug-96
Callsign Used : W5NN
Name Used: SLUGO
Operators : K5GA, N5RP, KB5YVT
Station: K5XI
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Mults
160SSB 41 41 41 15
80SSB 143 137 137 41
40SSB 263 262 262 50
20SSB 539 538 538 58
15SSB 206 202 202 44
10SSB 152 146 146 25
Totals 1344 1326 1326 233
Final Score = 308958 points ???
We hope this is correct, we had major software problems.
Only 50wts out on 40m and lost about an hour with computer
Sorry to all the guys we called that had to tell us we were
a dupe! Also the ones that had to repeat their name/st on the
low bands. We could not bring up previous QSO info and duping
was not working on some of the bands.
Funny things:
K5GA is asked for a repeat on the name SLUGO
he sez "it's Slugo...Slugo you know like in Slugo!"
N5RP's friend "Harold" wants to know who puts on this damn
contest anyway. RP is the master of working "Pig Farmers"
and getting their info and telling them "thanks your in the log."
They usually go ballistic after that!
Since we were having such problems we decided to have some
fun so Billy Cq'ed for an hour 2kc below and 2kc above 3.853
He learned a few new words for his effort, and somehow these
guys new things about Billy's sister? Who' da thought it?
Great to see all the Multi's, hope to see you next time.
73 Mike KB5YVT