Well, Saturday was also the day of the annual River City Contesters BBQ,
this time held at AB6LJ's in Elk Grove, Ca. We had hot wx (112f), hot dogs,
hot discussions, and hot news about the left coast power fiasco.
I wondered if Tree had a field day generator when W6GO's home computer alarm
system called his cell phone and the synthesized voice said "Power Off".
The power was still on in Elk Grove.
"An advantage", I thought (hehehehe)
A few minutes before the start, Dave, NB6G, sat down behind me and
thoughtfully wondered aloud, "I sure would like to learn this sprint thing.
Could you explain the rules to me and then let me make a few q's to gain
some experience?"
Uhoh, there is no multi-op category in this thing.
Well, there is now. The only way Dave was going to learn this thing was to
do it. So I started off and made a few to show him the proper sequencing of
the exchange, then he hopped in. He forgot about the call sign sequencing
for a while until he was reminded. I jumped in again for a while and then
let him finish. By the end of the 2 hours, he was an old pro.
Dave is a fantastic CW operator anyway (P40V and W6GO are his latest
hangouts). Now he has a new outlet for his skills.
Bands were watery, it felt like the power outage took half the SprINTer's
with it!!
Loud: AA5BT, AA9JY/M (cool!), K5GO (and fast)
77 q's - Multi op category
It was worth it watching Dave's face when I explained the rules. Also funny
when he copied the wierd names. The name variety was amazing this time.
Eric, NV6O