40 19 9
20 42 13
tot 61 22 1342 points
Again the skip changes, fun as usual. Congrats to paper-logger K7SS on
tying the QSO record at 72. Thanks to the Seattle gang for stirring the
pot for us all every Thursday.
Next week we change format to NA Sprint rules-CW, and add 80m back into the
mix for the rest of the fall/winter season.
Practice parties on Thursday AND FRIDAY nights, Spet. 7 & 8.
Rules, freqs. at:
Since the NS ladder competition ended, we will have different rules each week:
Before major events (NA QSO, NA SPRINT, CQP, SS...), we'll use their
official rules as a warmup for the weekend.
In between major events, we use NS rules to promote SO2R practice, and
provide a weekly 30 minute contesting frenzy.
Check the NCCC website each week for NEXT NS format at:
CU then, N6RO
3830 mailing list