Call: KT1M
Category: SO/LP/Assisted
Section: WMA
QSO: 333
QSO points: 666
Sections: 76
Score: 50,616
Hours: 10
Comments: I was pretty wiped out at the start. We got bombed with
about 8" of heavy wet snow right before the contest. Came home from
work at 1700 zulu. Went out to clear the driveway, etc. (about a 2 hour
job normally). Snowblower decides to make friends with Murphy. Tear it
apart, change the belts as the snow is just dribbling out of the chute.
Finish everything 30 minutes before the contest starts. Run into the
shack, sweating bullets from all the "aerobic exercise". Get everything
going, make a couple quick Q's to check out the equipment, fast shower,
hit the bands. Wow, hard to hold a freq with 100 watts unless you want
to run 'em on 11 meters. Decide to S&P. Get some toughies out of the
way right off the bat, WY, ID, PQ. Hit the sack early and will put in
big effort on Sunday. Oops, death in family (XYL's aunt) now curtails
things. Did get to work VY1JA on one call, no pileup, though missed AK
(heard 3 of them, couldn't break the pileup when I got back, as band was
going out), MAR, NL. Looking forward to CQWW and 10 meter contest.
Hope the east coast has the advantage in that one!
Wally / KT1M
Templeton, MA
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