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[3830] WPX SSB KT5J(K5TR) SOAB Unassisted HP

To: 3830@contesting.com, geoiii@kkn.net
Subject: [3830] WPX SSB KT5J(K5TR) SOAB Unassisted HP
From: webform@b4h.net
Reply-to: geoiii@kkn.net
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:08:44 +0000
List-post: <mailto:3830@contesting.com>
                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB - 2022

Call: KT5J
Operator(s): K5TR
Station: K5TR

Class: SOAB HP
Class Overlay: Unassisted 
QTH: Texas
Operating Time (hrs): 36
OpMode: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:   14
   40: 1475
   20: 1053
   15: 1642
   10:   39
Total: 4223  Prefixes = 1134  Total Score = 11,013,408

Club: Central Texas DX and Contest Club


In the month leading up to this contest I was just not feeling very
excited about it even though it is always a rate fest.  My son was
going on a backpacking trip over the weekend and I need to take him to
the drop off point at 2300z.  The drop off was not far from my house
in town but is about 40 minutes from my station.  I was not sure I
would be on at the start or not - I was at the mercy of Friday traffic
- but with 12 hours of offtime I figured it did not matter too much.
I mainly wanted to get on the radio and have fun. As truns out I was
able to get to the station by about 23:45 and start warming up the
equipment and hooking up antennas, switches and rotators.  I quick
look outside to make sure all the antennas were still up and to
confirm they were all pointed in the directions the rotator
controllers were showing on the inside.

I set up the computer and got water and some food nearby and was able
to make my first contact just before the end of the first minute of
one time.  Success!

As I said I was not all that fired up for this contest - and I was
unsure what I wanted to get out of it - had I really thought about it
before the start I might have done a 24 hour classic effort.  I knew I
did not want to use assistance - so maybe that I what I should have
done from the start but later in the contest when I would remember
there was a 24 hour classic category - I had already used the 2nd
radio for a few contacts / band changes - so fulltime it would be.

In 2020, with everyone freshly at home during the start of pandemic, I
did this cotnest and the opening hours were huge - in fact the whole
weeekend proved to be very good with activity and a the end I had
regretted not just trying to go for QSO totals and not worry about the
score - but I did not.  This year I was kind of going back and forth
on what I was trying to do beyond having fun. But I figured that rate
is fun so for many hours I did that instead of the smart thing of
grinding out 6 point contacts on 40 meters - and I even went to sleep
for almost 2 hours the first night.  I was tired and I knew that I
wanted to be on during the daytime as much as possible for more rate.
But by doing this I gave up some of those much needed low band
points. But, hey, I was trying to have fun.

The math is easy:

250 hour of one pointers = 250 points
 42 hour of six pointers = 252 points

Even when you feel like you are crawling along at 30 an hour - those
points make up for it in a big way. 

The only band were you can make 6 point contacts in any real volume
from here in Texas is 40 meters - and the QRM below 7200 is just
painful.  And as far as I can tell getting folks to answer you split
is just about impossible - so into the din you must go.

Too bad there is only one band to do this on from here.

Anyway, back to the start - I was going to go for rate - at least at
first if not for most of the weekend. I was hoping to have hours like
the 2020 event (a 343 first hour).  I started on 20m where I was sure
to have the best rate of all the bands - and things started quick but
the frequency was not great and it got worse. After 11 minutes and 55
contacts I moved to 15 meters and the rate was really poor and I was
not getting many JA stations calling to offset the loss in rate - so
by minute 14 I was back on 20 meters on a newer, better frequecy.  I
stayed on 20 meters for the first 90 minutes (except for the few on
15m) and then I went to 40 meters - but once a again I opted for rate
staying well above 7200. I went to 20 a few times but mainly stayed on
40m working the USA until about 05z when I decided I really should get
a few points to go with the mults I had and also pick up some EU
mults.  I found a frequency that was better than most and found the
band in good shape.  I seemed to be loud in Europe and they were loud
here and I would stay on 40m (except for my nap) until about 12z when
I went to 20m.  I was mostly not doing any real two radio stuff - I
was just having a good time running stations - a theme that would
continue for the rest of the contest. But that did mean that I was
giving up some mults - between not using the second radio much and not
using spotting assistance - I was mostly only getting only what called

I had a good time this weekend.

It sure it nice to have sun spots.  15 meters was good to EU and JA.
I was working JA stations on 15 meters with good signals after 9:30 pm
local time and that was pretty cool to be doing again.  The numbers of
them is not anywhere near the mid to late 1980's but I still love
hearing all of the Japanese stations on the band.

The other issue that I with respect to planning my offtimes (if you
can call it planning) was that my son was getting back from the
camping trip in the 20z to 21z pm time on Sunday - so I knew I would
be working ending contest early - I ended up taking almost all of the
last 5 hours off.  I did get some sleep for three hours - again in the
middle of the night/morning when I should have been trying to work six
pointers.  Again not the best for score - but it was how things were
going to work this year.  Maybe next year I will do a better, more
planned effort and even take a nap on Friday before it all starts.

Great to work everyone and I am looking forward to the next contest.

Great score by NN1C at KC1XX and ND7K out west with a big score!

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   

   80SSB      14          14         22        0 
   40SSB    1512        1475       4531      399 
   20SSB    1073        1053       1518      346 
   15SSB    1656        1642       3542      370 
   10SSB      39          39         99       19 

 Totals     4294        4223       9712     1134 

    Final Score = 11013408 points.

Station: http://www.k5tr.net/
2x Elecraft K3 radios (tnx k5ot)
2x Alpha 87A
trlinux - http://kkn.net/trlinux

160 - Half wave sloping dipoles sloped east and west from 125'
    - SAL-30 RX array
    - NE, SE beverages ~500' long

80  - Half wave sloping dipoles - sloped NE, NW from 125'
    - SAL-30 RX array
    - NE, SE beverages ~500' long

40  - 4 element yagi at 125'
    - Cushcraft 40-2CD at 87'

20  - Stack of three 6 element yagis at 135' / 85' / 45'
    - 6 element yagi at 80'
    - 4 element yagi 60' fixed SE

15  - 6 element yagi at 70'
    - 6 element yagi at 35' fixed NE
    - 4 element yagi at 50' fixed SE

10  - 7 element yagi 48 ft boom at 60'
    - 6 element yagi 24 ft boom at 145'
    - 6 element yagi 24 ft boom at 45' fixed SE
    - 6 element yagi 24 ft boom at 30' fixed NE

                   160    80    40    20    15    10   ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --   ---
  USA calls   =      0    12   823   773   628     6   2242
  VE calls    =      0     1    74    77   104     0    256
  N.A. calls  =      0     0    29    18    24     6     77
  S.A. calls  =      0     1    18    10    29    18     76
  Euro calls  =      0     0   187   139   619     6    951
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     4     1     8     3     16
  Asia calls  =      0     0     9     5     6     0     20
  JA calls    =      0     0   210    11   210     0    431
  Ocen calls  =      0     0   121    19    13     0    153

  Total calls =      0    14  1475  1053  1642    39   4223

HR    80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT CUM TOTAL  SCORE
--  ------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ---------  -----
 0    ---     ---    254/168     6/6      ---   260/174  260/174  0.06M
 1    ---    120/39   103/40     1/1      ---   224/80   484/254  0.17M
 2    ---    131/30    38/16     ---      ---   169/46   653/300  0.27M
 3    ---    165/41     7/3      ---      ---   172/44   825/344  0.39M
 4    ---    124/24     6/0      ---      ---   130/24   955/368  0.49M
 5    ---    110/49     3/2      ---      ---   113/51  1068/419  0.71M
 6    ---    100/51     ---      ---      ---   100/51  1168/470  1.00M
 7    ---     40/16     ---      ---      ---    40/16  1208/486  1.11M
 8    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   1208/486  1.11M
 9    ---     32/11     ---      ---      ---    32/11  1240/497  1.21M
10    ---    101/44     ---      ---      ---   101/44  1341/541  1.56M
11    ---     36/8     13/6      ---      ---    49/14  1390/555  1.69M
12    ---      4/3    108/44     4/1      ---   116/48  1506/603  1.99M
13    ---      ---     95/24    18/9      ---   113/33  1619/636  2.23M
14    ---      ---      ---    148/51     ---   148/51  1767/687  2.67M
15    ---      ---      ---    186/60     ---   186/60  1953/747  3.23M
16    ---      ---      ---    116/28     4/2   120/30  2073/777  3.60M
17    ---      ---      ---     70/15     6/1    76/16  2149/793  3.82M
18    ---      ---      ---     88/16     6/5    94/21  2243/814  4.07M
19    ---      ---      ---     11/2      ---    11/2   2254/816  4.09M
20    ---      ---      ---    111/24     ---   111/24  2365/840  4.39M
21    ---      ---      ---    138/25     ---   138/25  2503/865  4.72M
22    ---      ---      2/0    159/23     ---   161/23  2664/888  5.10M
23    ---      ---      1/1    124/25     ---   125/26  2789/914  5.45M
 0    ---      ---     99/14    35/6      ---   134/20  2923/934  5.78M
 1    ---      ---      ---     98/18     ---    98/18  3021/952  6.11M
 2    ---     43/6      3/0     48/3      ---    94/9   3115/961  6.40M
 3    ---     65/8      ---      ---      ---    65/8   3180/969  6.63M
 4    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   3180/969  6.63M
 5    ---      ---      ---      ---      ---     ---   3180/969  6.63M
 6    ---     20/4      ---      ---      ---    20/4   3200/973  6.74M
 7    ---     61/17     ---      ---      ---    61/17  3261/990  7.10M
 8    ---      8/1      ---      ---      ---     8/1   3269/991  7.14M
 9    ---     41/7      ---      ---      ---    41/7   3310/998  7.37M
10   14/0    103/19     ---      ---      ---   117/19  3427/1017 8.01M
11    ---     88/11     ---      ---      ---    88/11  3515/1028 8.46M
12    ---     63/8      1/0      ---      ---    64/8   3579/1036 8.85M
13    ---     20/2     79/5      ---      ---    99/7   3678/1043 9.13M
14    ---      ---     52/8     55/15     2/1   109/24  3787/1067 9.56M
15    ---      ---      ---    122/21     4/0   126/21  3913/1088 10.05M
16    ---      ---     11/1     65/11     4/1    80/13  3993/1101 10.36M
17    ---      ---    122/9      ---      ---   122/9   4115/1110 10.59M
18    ---      ---     56/5     23/5      6/4    85/14  4200/1124 10.85M
19    ---      ---      ---     16/5      7/5    23/10  4223/1134 11.01M

D1   0/0    963/316  630/304 1180/286   16/8            2789/914
D2  14/0    512/83   423/42   462/84    23/11           1434/220
TO  14/0   1475/399 1053/346 1642/370   39/19           4223/1134


-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
0000       0      0      0    254      6      0    260    260    6.2
0100       0      0    120    103      1      0    224    484   11.5
0200       0      0    131     38      0      0    169    653   15.5
0300       0      0    165      7      0      0    172    825   19.5
0400       0      0    124      6      0      0    130    955   22.6
0500       0      0    110      3      0      0    113   1068   25.3
0600       0      0    100      0      0      0    100   1168   27.7
0700       0      0     40      0      0      0     40   1208   28.6
0800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   1208   28.6
0900       0      0     32      0      0      0     32   1240   29.4
1000       0      0    101      0      0      0    101   1341   31.8
1100       0      0     36     13      0      0     49   1390   32.9
1200       0      0      4    108      4      0    116   1506   35.7
1300       0      0      0     95     18      0    113   1619   38.3
1400       0      0      0      0    148      0    148   1767   41.8
1500       0      0      0      0    186      0    186   1953   46.2
1600       0      0      0      0    116      4    120   2073   49.1
1700       0      0      0      0     70      6     76   2149   50.9
1800       0      0      0      0     88      6     94   2243   53.1
1900       0      0      0      0     11      0     11   2254   53.4
2000       0      0      0      0    111      0    111   2365   56.0
2100       0      0      0      0    138      0    138   2503   59.3
2200       0      0      0      2    159      0    161   2664   63.1
2300       0      0      0      1    124      0    125   2789   66.0
0000       0      0      0     99     35      0    134   2923   69.2
0100       0      0      0      0     98      0     98   3021   71.5
0200       0      0     43      3     48      0     94   3115   73.8
0300       0      0     65      0      0      0     65   3180   75.3
0400       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   3180   75.3
0500       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   3180   75.3
0600       0      0     20      0      0      0     20   3200   75.8
0700       0      0     61      0      0      0     61   3261   77.2
0800       0      0      8      0      0      0      8   3269   77.4
0900       0      0     41      0      0      0     41   3310   78.4
1000       0     14    103      0      0      0    117   3427   81.2
1100       0      0     88      0      0      0     88   3515   83.2
1200       0      0     63      1      0      0     64   3579   84.8
1300       0      0     20     79      0      0     99   3678   87.1
1400       0      0      0     52     55      2    109   3787   89.7
1500       0      0      0      0    122      4    126   3913   92.7
1600       0      0      0     11     65      4     80   3993   94.6
1700       0      0      0    122      0      0    122   4115   97.4
1800       0      0      0     56     23      6     85   4200   99.5
1900       0      0      0      0     16      7     23   4223  100.0
2000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   4223  100.0
2100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   4223  100.0
2200       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   4223  100.0
2300       0      0      0      0      0      0      0   4223  100.0
Total      0     14   1475   1053   1642     39   4223

Gross QSOs=4294        Dupes=71        Net QSOs=4223

Unique callsigns worked = 3298

The best 60 minute rate was 265/hour from 0019 to 0118
The best 30 minute rate was 282/hour from 0019 to 0048
The best 10 minute rate was 318/hour from 0036 to 0045

The best 1 minute rates were:
 7 QSOs/minute    3 times.
 6 QSOs/minute   18 times.
 5 QSOs/minute   72 times.
 4 QSOs/minute  199 times.
 3 QSOs/minute  403 times.
 2 QSOs/minute  573 times.
 1 QSOs/minute  583 times.

There were 165 bandchanges and 78 (1.8%) probable 2nd radio QSOs.

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   3        23
   4      1190
   5      1527
   6      1459
   7         5
   8        15
   9         3
  10         1

Multi-band QSOs
1 bands    2573
2 bands     532
3 bands     186
4 bands       7
5 bands       0
6 bands       0

------- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O s ------
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs      0      2    882    564   1101     24

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