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[3830] S51TA ARRL10 M/S SCORE

To: <3830@contesting.com>
Subject: [3830] S51TA ARRL10 M/S SCORE
From: s51ta@hotmail.com (Tadej Mezek)
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 16:11:52 PST

      Call: S51TA                    Country:  Slovenia
                                     Category: Multi Single


       CW      971     3880       49       76
      SSB     1250     2500       51       95

      Totals  2221     6380      100      171  =   1,728,980

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: s53cc, s53mm, s55oo, s51ta

Equipment Description: Ic775dsp + amp al1500 + amp home made by s50c
                       Ic735 backup and rx
             Antennas; rotary 5el@8m
                       Fixed 4/4 usa/ja 8/16m

We were splitting the power in both antennas, and listening to both antennas 
together or separately with two radios?. It was great fun, the stack was put 
on during the contest(just b4 1st opening to USA) because of the bad weather 
day b4.
The pictures will be available soon on qsl.net/s51ta

We were testing the new location, and the antennas?which was put up only for 
the contest and will be put down after the contest.(some of them already)

Second day the opening to USA was not so strong as 1st day.

73 cu ?Youngsters contest team?

for 3830 Ted, s51ta, CU

Club Affiliation:

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

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